可以读取txt文档 Private Sub Form_Load() Dim s1 As String Dim s2 As String Open "c:\1.txt" For Input As #1 Line Input #1, s1 Line Input #1, s2 Label1.caption = s2 Close #1 End Sub
2.1 重复与循环语句
抛砖引玉 例1:求多门课程的总成绩。
#define N 5 /*课程数目*/
int main()
int iGrade=0; /*考试成绩*/
int iSum=0; /*总成绩*/
int iCounter=0; /*计数器*/
while(iCounter<N) /*计数器控制循环*/
J1979_201202.TXT.pdf, 有需要的请下载,J1979_201202.TXT.pdfSAE
J1979 Revised feb2012
Page 3 of 128
1.1 Introduction
SAE J1979/So 15031-5 set includes the communication between the vehicle's OBd systems and test equipmen
implemented across vehicles wi