关于x86中断的一些资料 直接系统服务中断:Other 直接系统服务(Direct System Service) INT 00H —“0”作除数 INT 01H —单步中断 INT 02H —非屏蔽中断(NMI) INT 03H —断点中断 INT 04H —算术溢出错误 INT 05H —打印屏幕和BOUND越界 INT 06H —非法指令错误 INT 07H —处理器扩展无效 INT 08H —时钟中断 INT 09H —键盘输入 INT 0BH —通信口(COM2:) INT 0CH
INT 1A - System and Real Time Clock BIOS Services For more informations, see the following topics: INT 1A,0 Read system clock counter INT 1A,1 Set system clock counter INT 1A,2 Read real time clock time (AT,PS/2) INT 1A,3 Set real time clock time (A