一个高性能的Java线程库,该库是 JDK 1.5 中的 java.util.concurrent 包的补充,可用于基于并发消息机制的应用。该类库不提供远程的消息功能,其设计的宗旨是实现一个内存中的消息传递机制. 主要特点有: * All messages to a particular Fiber are delivered sequentially. Components can easily keep state without synchronizing data access or
本手册介绍了32位基于ARM微控制器STM32F101xx与STM32F103xx的固件函数库。该函数库是一个固件函数包,它由程序、数据结构和宏组成,包括了微控制器所有外设的性能特征。该函数库还包括每一个外设的驱动描述和应用实例。通过使用本固件函数库,无需深入掌握细节,用户也可以轻松应用每一个外设。因此,使用本固态函数库可以大大减少用户的程序编写时间,进而降低开发成本。每个外设驱动都由一组函数组成,这组函数覆盖了该外设所有功能。每个器件的开发都由一个通用API (application pro
YUI 2 is a Javascr ipt and CSS library with more than 30 unique components including low-level DOM utilities and high-level user-interface widgets. Currently at version 2.9.0, YUI 2 is robust, proven, time-tested, and extensively documented. Choose
The Linux Programming Interface describes the Linux API (application programming interface)—the system calls, library functions, and other low-level interfaces that are used, directly or indirectly, by every program that runs on Linux.
A simple interface to lat/long projection and datum transformation of the PROJ.4 cartographic projections library. It allows transformation of geographic coordinates from one projection and/or datum to another
A simple interface to lat/long projection and datum transformation of the PROJ.4 cartographic projections library. It allows transformation of geographic coordinates from one projection and/or datum to another
Build highly interactive web applications with ready-to-use widgets from the jQuery User Interface library Chapter 1: Introducing jQuery UI Chapter 2: The CSS Framework Chapter 3: Tabs Chapter 4: The Accordion Widget Chapter 5: The Dialog Chapter 6:
本手册介绍了32位基于ARM微控制器STM32F101xx与STM32F103xx的固件函数库。该函数库是一个固件函数包,它由程序、数据结构和宏组成,包括了微控制器所有外设的性能特征。该函数库还包括每一个外设的驱动描述和应用实例。通过使用本固件函数库,无需深入掌握细节,用户也可以轻松应用每一个外设。因此,使用本固态函数库可以大大减少用户的程序编写时间,进而降低开发成本。每个外设驱动都由一组函数组成,这组函数覆盖了该外设所有功能。每个器件的开发都由一个通用API (application pro