Microsoft Windows 脚本技术 本节内容 Jscr ipt Microsoft 功能强大的脚本编写语言是专为 Internet 而设计的。Jscr ipt.NET 是 Microsoft ECMA 262 语言的下一代实施产品。与 ECMAscr ipt Edition 4 一起开发的、Jscr ipt.NET 中的改进功能包括了准确编译的代码、类型与无类型的变量、类(内含继承、函数重载、属性访问器等等)、包、跨语言支持,以及对 .NET 框架的访问。 VBscr ipt Mic
DynamicWrapperX is an ActiveX component (COM server) inspired by DynamicWrapper, which I wrote as an attempt to better implement the idea. It allows to call functions exported by DLL libraries, in particular Windows API functions, from scr ipts in J