Caffe provides multimedia scientists and practitioners with a clean and modiable framework for state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms and a collection of reference models. The framework is a BSD-licensed C++ library with Python and MATLAB binding
西门子调速器参数调试西门子6RA70直流调速器参数 步骤 参数号 设定值 备注 1 P 082 1 2 P 083 3 3 P 100 电机铭牌值 电枢额定电流 4 P 101 电机铭牌值 电枢额定电压 5 P 102 电机铭牌值 励磁额定电流 6 P 140 1 7 P 141 1000 8 P 142 0 9 P 143 1000(rpm) 10 P 665 16 控制字1第一个源 11 P 703 1 主给定信号的输入方式 12 P 743 1 给定信号的输入方式 13 P 750 16
An FPGA-Based 4 Mbps Secret Key Distillation Engine for Quantum Key Distribution Systems.pdf
IDQ QKD 论文,可以参考。J Sign Process Syst(2017)86: 1-15
they contain on average less than one photon. The receiver of leaked information and the information leake