IPMItool 1.8.8 for Microsoft Windows 2003 with Sun IPMI System Management Driver Support provides the open-source IPMItool application built natively for Microsoft Windows 2003. This version adds two interfaces to ipmitool: * ms - allows communicati
世界电器插座及电压频率 Australia 240V 50 C & D 3 flat blades (Australia AS3112): YP-35, YP-36 China 220V 50 D & J China plugs: YP-02, YP-02L, YP-03, YP-03L Hong-Kong 220V 50 I 3 flat blades (UK BS1363):YP-60 Indonesia 220V 50 E & G European plugs (CEE7): YP-21
flashfru is a utility for reading/writing FRU data.It is used to flash fru information by using the Intelligent Platform Management Interface. It requires that the FRU spec defined follow FRU information Storage Definitioin(V1.0),and now this utilit