This guide describes the VxWorks operating system, and how to use VxWorks facilities in the development of real-time systems and applications. The first part, Core Technologies, covers the following topics: ■ kernel facilities kernel customization b
This manual describes the VxWorks operating system, and how to use VxWorks facilities in the development of real-time applications and systems. It covers the following topics: ■ kernel facilities, kernel-based applications, and kernel customization
The kernel based tracking has two disadvantages: the tracking window size cannot be adjusted efficiently, and the kernel based color distribution may not have enough ability to discriminate object from clutter background. For boosting up the feature'
The identification of nonlinear spatiotemporal dynamical systems given by partial differential equations has attracted a lot of attention in the past decades. Several methods, such as searching principle-based algorithms, partially linear kernel meth
The mean-shift algorithm has achieved considerable success in object tracking due to its simplicity and efficiency. Color histogram is a common feature in the descr iption of an object. However, the kernel-based color histogram may not have the abili
This paper presents an ensemble kernel-based active learning method for PPI (Protein-protein interaction) extraction. This ensemble kernel is composed of feature-based kernel and structure-based kernel. Experimental results show that the F-scores of