Satish Kore Copyright 2009 Packt Publishing Develop Rich Internet applications using Adobe Flex 3 and Actionscr ipt 3.0, and integrate them with a Java backend using BlazeDS 3.2
KORE 是一个用 C 语言开发的支持 SPDY 的 Web 服务器。支持 Linux 和 BSD 系统。 特性: - Supports SNI - Supports SPDY/3 - Supports HTTP/1.1 - Secure by default - SSL connections only - Virtual host support - Easy to use configuration - Loads your site as a precompiled C module
Screens Screens is an Android™ utility that allows you to quickly enter splitscreen mode with pre selected apps. It creates shortcuts that can be opened from any launcher. This might be good for productivity or having SeriesGuide and Kore at the sam
WebMediaShare - web media your way! WebMediaShare is an app to browse your favourite media websites (e.g. online streaming sites, online radio stations, etc.) so that you can: view the content without ads/popups/redirects/etc. listen to music from a