想在excel中自动显示汉字的拼音吗? 写一段VBA代码则轻松搞定: Function PinYin(Hz As String) Dim PinMa As String Dim MyPinMa As Variant Dim Temp As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer PinMa = "a,20319,ai,20317,an,20304,ang,20295,ao,20292," PinMa = PinMa & "ba,20283, bai,20265,
Kui Jia 在2016年发表在 International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) 计算机视觉顶级期刊上的文章《ROML: A Robust Feature Correspondence Approach for Matching Objects in A Set of Images》 的代码。