#include #include using namespace std; struct CPoint { int x ; int y ; }; class CRectangle { private: const int id;//常量数据成员 static int total;//静态数据成员 const static string sclass; const static int f=1.0f; CPoint lefttop ; CPoint rightdown ; public:
Android-ScalableVideoView Looking for the extra scale types of ImageView? Check out ScalableImageView. Android Texture VideoView having a variety of scale types like the scale types of ImageView. Sample Release Note [Release Note] (https://github.co
Android-ScalableImageView If you want to the same scale feature for video. Check out ScalableVideoVIew Android ImageView having extra scale types. Sample Release Note [Release Note] (https://github.com/yqritc/Android-ScalableImageView/releases) Grad
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class chess : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject LeftTop;
public GameObject RightTop;
public GameObject LeftBo