delphi2-delphi2010 全支持 dcu 装换 pas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Dcu2Pas Version 1.3 Purpose Decompile a D2-D7, K1-K3's dcu(dpu) file to Delphi source as origin as possible, without or with m
关于libsvm分类结果的可视化及分类曲线的可视化-加权SVM相关论文.rar 关于libsvvm分类结果的可视化及分类曲线的可视化 by faruto 论坛里曾有多位朋友询问过,有关libsvvm分类结果的可视化及分类曲线的可视化(可能大家感觉这个放在自己的paper里面会比较拉风,个人感觉可视化这些东西真的很虚幻,看着拉风,实则无用)。整体过程我心中明了,但实在是对可视化这种东西的鄙视,所以一直未将关于libsvm分类结果的可视化及分类曲线的可视化的结果实现,并以插件函数的形式放在自己的
ADetrendingMethodinDataProcessing-a paper on detrend.rar We all know that spectral estimation request that the sigal is at least weakly stationary. So, detrending is just trying to remove the slow nonstationary trends from the data that need process