将一个目录挂接到另一个目录,创建一个交接点。sysvol系统卷所用的文件夹结构使用了称为交接点的功能。交接点外表像文件夹,而且运转也像文件夹(在 Windows Explorer 中无法将它们与普通文件夹区分开来),但它们不是文件夹。交接点包含了与另一文件夹的链接。程序打开它时,交接点会自动将程序重新定向至交接点所链接的文件夹。而重新定向对于用户和应用程序是完全透明的。 linkd.exe是windows Server 2003资源工具箱(Windows Server 2003 Resourc
来源: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896768.aspx Windows 2000 and higher supports directory symbolic links, where a directory serves as a symbolic link to another directory on the computer. For example, if the directory D:\SYMLINK s
Junction v1.06 By Mark Russinovich Published: September 8, 2010 Introduction Windows 2000 and higher supports directory symbolic links, where a directory serves as a symbolic link to another directory on the computer. For example, if the directory D