AsmXml is a very fast XML parser and decoder for x86 platforms (Windows, Linux, BSD and Mac OS X). It achieves high speed by using the following features: Written in pure assembler. Optimized memory access. Parsing, validation and lookup at the same text editor with validation and code coloring table editors like in Ride fully synced with source debug&remote; debug with: breakpoints testcase stepping (step into, step over) runtime variable lookup
Thymeleaf - Eclipse Plugin module A plugin for the Eclipse IDE to add content assist features for the Thymeleaf standard dialect processors and expression utility objects, using the Eclipse Web Tools Platform HTML source editor. Current version: 2.1
ForestDB 是一个快速的 Key-Value 存储引擎,基于层次B 树单词查找树。由 Couchbase 缓存和存储团队开发。关键特性:Key 和 Value 可以是任意二进制值 应用可以定制比较函数来支持自定义的 Key 顺序可通过顺序号来获取 Value 值或者是 Key 的磁盘偏移量Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) and its in-memory index are used to reduce the main index lookup / update o
Squbs 是一个起源于 eBay 和 PayPal 的开源项目。 Squbs 是一个软件容器,一套能实现 Akka and Spray 应用/服务在大规模管理、云服务中标准化和运作的组件。 squbs Components Unicomplex: The micro-container that bootstraps and standardizes the deployment of Akka/Spray applications and how they are configured,
Additions and changes:
Added support for il2cpp (mono)
Added support for .NET dll plugins
Change register on breakpoint now also affects FP and XMM registers
Added CEShare, a way to share your tables with other people
Improved disassembling
copy byt