a (Assemble) 逐行汇编 a [address] c (Compare) 比较两内存块 c range address d (Dump) 内存16进制显示 d [address]或 d [range] e (Enter) 修改内存字节 e address f (fin) 预置一段内存 f range list g (Go) 执行程序 g [=address][address...] h (Hexavithmetic) 制算术运算 h value value i (Inp
这是常用的debug命令,很实用 Debug常用命令集 名称 解释 格式 a (Assemble) 逐行汇编 a [address] c (Compare) 比较两内存块 c range address d (Dump) 内存16进制显示 d [address]或 d [range] e (Enter) 修改内存字节 e address [list] f (fin) 预置一段内存 f range list g (Go) 执行程序 g [=address][address...] h (He
Most of the wireless options can be accessed using the program "wl" via the console window. This program has many more options than our WRT is able to process. Some can only be used in Client Mode and others only in Access Point (AP) Mode. Usage: wl