ZeroConf Browser apk ZeroConf Browser allows users to browse the network for available Bonjour/Rendezvous/ZeroConf multicast DNS (aka mDNS) services, including applications providing network services that register with mDNS. It is a useful tool for
内含 Available plugins ================= - ```SMBtrap``` - Exploits the 'SMB Trap' vulnerability on connected clients - ```Screenshotter``` - Uses HTML5 Canvas to render an ac
利用jmdns发现局域网设备,在局域网内,你要通过一台主机和其他主机进行通信,你需要知道对方的ip地址,但是有些时候,你并不知道对方的ip地址,因为一般使用DHCP动态分配ip地址的局域网内,各个主机的IP地址是由DHCP服务器来帮你分配IP地址的。所以在很多情况下,你要知道对方的IP地址是比较麻烦的。 鉴于发现这篇文章最近的浏览量比较多,晚上也有不少转载,特别声明一下,文章水平可能不大够,只是我当时的一些理解,所以希望大家以批判的角度来看,然后又什么问题欢迎讨论。真心不希望误导大家^_^ m
It used to be that two laptops, sitting side by side, couldn't communicate with each other; they may as well have been a thousand miles apart. But that was then, before the advent of Zero Configuration Networking technology. This amazing cross-platf
MDNS is a protocol that resolves host names to IP addresses or Service name to IP address with layer4 type with port in local network that do not include a local name server. It is a zero configuration service, using essentially the same programming
Inveigh, 在中间工具中,Inveigh是一个 Windows PowerShell LLMNR/mDNS/NBNS spoofer/person InveighInveigh是一个用于帮助渗透测试人员/red teamers,发现自己局限于一个 Windows 系统的工具。维基