! ! Unigraphics Modeling Application Menu File ! ! ! VERSION 120 UG6.0 ! *************** Changes to the Menubar itself *************** EDIT UG_GATEWAY_MAIN_MENUBAR ! *************** Format Menu *************** AFTER UG_ARRANGE_GROUP BUTTON UG_MODELI
If PHP's mbstring extension is enabled, use mb_convert_encoding() to ensure the client payload matches the intended encoding. This is a better resolution of Bug 7376. * Turn off the default of automatically base64 encoding strings that can gene
蓝屏查看,主要用于查找蓝屏错误 BlueScreenView v1.05 Copyright (c) 2009 Nir Sofer Web site: http://www.nirsoft.net Descr iption =========== BlueScreenView scans all your minidump files created during 'blue screen of death' crashes, and displays the information abou
The identification of potential regulatory motifs in new
sequence data is increasingly important for experimental
design. Those motifs are commonly located by
matches to IUPAC strings derived from consensus
sequences. Although this method is simple a
有时候 rails 会出现: “No route matches”错误, 可以利用如下方法解决; 找到 config/routes.rb 文件, 打开编辑, 找到如下行: # See how all your routes lay out with “rake routes” 在这行下面添加一行, 内容如下: map.connect ”,:controller=>”index”,:action=>”index”解决no such file to load — Mysql 代码如下:&
Gray cross correlation matching technique is adopted to extract candidate matches with gray cross correlation coefficients less than some certain range of maximal correlation coefficient called multi-peak candidate matches. Multi-peak candidates are