Numerical methods using matlab 1.Preliminaries 2.The solution of nonlinear equations f(x)=0 3.The solution of linear system AX=B 4.Interpolation and Polynomial approximation 5.Curve fitting 6.Numerical differentiation 7.Numerical integration 8.Numer
THIs file includes: 1,a manual for using matlab;2, how to call vc functions in matlab using mexfunction with detailed procedure;3,how to use matlab functions in c++ through comtool and other means, such as matcom.4,the api reference for m
This cart carries many files listed below:1,matlab manual and introductory tutorials is a brief introduction to matlab;2,c++连接matlab之研究,Taiwan,with many details and above all, illustrations by images.3,MATLAB GUI编程中几个有用的程序段, you may find it useful w
% [s, ipeaks] = ecgsyn(sfecg,N,Anoise,hrmean,hrstd,lfhfratio,sfint,ti,ai,bi) % Produces synthetic ECG with the following outputs: % s: ECG (mV) % ipeaks: labels for PQRST peaks: P(1), Q(2), R(3), S(4), T(5) % A zero lablel is output otherwise ... us
HOW TO RUN : 1. Open MATLAB. 2. Open main.m. 3. Change the MATLAB working directory to the directory where main.m is. 4. Run main.m The first sound that plays is the original recording. The second one is the recording after corruption. The last play