The wonders and advantages of modern age electronics and the World Wide Web have also, unfortunately, ushered in a new age of terrorism. The growing connectivity among secure and insecure networks has created new opportunities for unauthorized intru
This e-book is a tool kit for your mind. On its own, a screwdriver will only help you in a small way. Although it can be very useful, there are only a few jobs that you can use it for. When, however, you use this screwdriver as part of a complete to
Deep Learning: How the Mind Overrides Experience 项目的性质 心理学中,我们忙于对事物进行解释,或多或少会对用以解释的说辞感到乏味。 ——Robert Cummins[1] 在理论化[信息加工]水平,对可观测行为的解释……是由产生这种行为的原始信息加工的程序所提供的。
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