var mmenus = new Array(); var misShow = new Boolean(); misShow=false; var misdown = new Boolean(); misdown=false; var mnumberofsub=0; var musestatus=false; var mpopTimer = 0; mmenucolor='#89CB10';mfontcolor='MenuText';mmenuoutcolor='#ADEF34';mmenui
DropDownMenu DropDownMenu for Android,filter the list based on multiple condition. To get this project into your build Step 1. Add the specific repository to your build file: repositories { maven { url "" } } Step 2. Add the depend
如果您希望玩家仅在红色区域或任何其他坐标中访问菜单。 转到行并执行以下操作:
dist = #(vector3(-227.3,-2622.93,6.05)-pos) <------------ change this to your own coords
if dist <= 140 then <-------------- distance where the player will be able to open the menu