使用说明:首先调好疯狂度(Crazy Value):5--20 然后点击,Ready Go!开始抖动所有在最上方的窗体 需要停止按 I am afriad of you! Please Stop! 停止抖动!灵感来源:一个搞恶小程序! 用到API:MoveWindow,GetWindowRect 具体代码就请各位自行研究,不懂的地方软件上有QQ和QQ群,可以加我询问!
var intPos,intX,intY: longint; begin intPos := message.lParam; intX := Trunc(intPos/10000); intY := (intPos mod 10000); if not CutRange.MouseIsDown then begin if not ((intX>Left) and (intXTop) and (intY<Top+Height)) then begin MoveWindow(CutRa
HGE子窗口 Running HGE in a child window hosted by a Windows application may be useful to create authoring tools and ActiveX controls or to integrate HGE into a third party IDE. Here follow the guidelines how to do that. 运行HGE在主机的子窗口经由Windows系统可以帮助建立创造工
对日常债务进行数据库操作 .586 .model flat,stdcall option casemap:none include pay.inc include p_Func.asm include p_const.asm include p_struct.asm include p_data.asm include macro.mac .data hInstance HINSTANCE ? CommandLine LPSTR ? hParent dword ? hCursor dword
敲代码时,突然发现有一个背景图片无法显示,百思不得其解,最终发现是MoveWindow() SetWindowPos()这两个函数的使用不当造成的。
BOOL MoveWindow( HWND hWnd,int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight,BOOL bRepaint = TRU