最新版本的axis2c Apache Axis2/C What is it? ----------- The Apache Axis2/C is a SOAP engine implementation that can be used to provide and consume Web Services. Axis2/C is an effort to implement Axis2 architecture, in C. Please have a look at http://ws.a
The Apache Axis2/C is a SOAP engine implementation that can be used to provide and consume Web Services. Axis2/C is an effort to implement Axis2 architecture, in C. Please have a look at http://ws.apache.org/axis2/1_0/Axis2ArchitectureGuide.html for
如果可以将XFire Web Services框架比做一颗璀璨夺目的钻石的话,那么本书将从这颗钻石的多个切面上来欣赏它闪耀的光芒。大约是在去年,我写了一份关于XFire开发的电子文档,介绍了采用XFire框架开发Web Services的基本的方法。由于以前的XFire官方的文档不很准确,也不完善,有些实践的代码没有通过,所以在那个文档没有进行深层次的探讨。陆续有些网友提出了一些开发的问题,比如参数如果是自定义类型的问题、传送图片的问题、自动创建代码的问题,很多问题都是在实际应用XFire进行
gosap用户使用手册 gSOAP 2.7.8 User Guide Robert van Engelen Florida State University and Genivia, Inc. engelen@genivia.com & engelen@acm.org June 26, 2006 Contents 1 Introduction 2 Notational Conventions 3 Differences Between gSOAP Versions 2.4 (and Earli