本组件是继作者原“艾恩ASP无组件上传类”修改整合而成, 具有和无组件上传类相同的功能,并且具有无组件类不能相比的优越性能。 能实现的功能主要包括:自由提取表单数据、自由限制上传扩展名、自由限制上传大小、自由选择文件保存类型(原文件名和时间随机命名), 即可以单个文件上传又可以多个文件批量上传,同时可以提取文件的二进制数据,以方便保存到数据库-This component is the author of the original " non-iron ASP upload component
Documentation Overview Basic plugin information •Demo page (and Demo implementation information). •How to Setup the plugin on your website. •How to use only the Basic plugin (minimal setup guide). •Security considerations. •The plugin API. •List of
Features ======== * Drag and drop files * Select multiple files * Cancel upload * Delete uploaded file (from database only) * No flash (or other browser plugins) needed * … more at the [upstream's features page](http://aquantum-demo.appspot.com/file
Huge ASP upload is easy to use, hi-performance ASP file upload component with progress bar indicator. This component lets you upload multiple files with size up to 4GB to a disk or a database along with another form fields. The ASP file upload works
Build Step: How to install Run mvn clean package to create the plugin .hpi file. To install: 1. copy the resulting ./target/credentials.hpi file to the $JENKINS_HOME/plugins directory. Don't forget to restart Jenkins afterwards. 2. or use the plugin
Muhammad Usman Charisma-基于HTML5 Bootstrap搭建的后台模板 Charisma is a fully featured, free, premium quality, responsive, HTML5 admin template (or backend template) based on Bootstrap from Twitter, it comes with 9 different themes to suit your style and app
Uploadify™ is a jQuery plugin that allows you to easily add multiple file upload functionality to your website. Two distinct versions (HTML5 and Flash) allow you the flexiblity to choose the right implementation for your site and fallback methods ma
Uploadify is a jQuery plugin that allows you to easily add multiple file upload functionality to your website. Two distinct versions (HTML5 and Flash) allow you the flexiblity to choose the right implementation for your site and fallback methods mak