Foreword ............................... xvii Preface ................................xix Acknowledgments ..........................xxi Part I—Introduction to Game Development Chapter 1 What Does This Book Cover? ............3 How to Make a Game....
Windows Forms .0 Programming Any Windows programmer using .NET will need to deal with Windows Forms, also known as WinForms. And use of .NET among Windows programmers continues to grow at a rapid pace. The bestselling book on WinForms 1.X, and by fa
Studying helps, but nothing can prepare you like the real thing. Each CareerCup interviewer has given over a hundred interviews at Google, Microsoft, or Amazon. To nail your interview, sit down with a trained interviewer and get their experienced fe
Mission control to reader . . . you are now nearing the ADO.NET planet in the .NET solar system of the Microsoft technology galaxy. Make sure no architectural mistake alien eats you up for dinner . . . Learning any new topic is like approaching a ne
The ShellBrowser component set gives a Delphi programmer easy access to the Win32 shell functionality. The TJamShellList, TJamShellTree and TJamShellCombo components look and behave exactly like the corresponding parts of the Explorer. The invisible
Studying helps, but nothing can prepare you like the real thing. Each CareerCup interviewer has given over a hundred interviews at Google, Microsoft, or Amazon. To nail your interview, sit down with a trained interviewer and get their experienced fe
Hone your analytic talents and become part of the next bigthing Getting a Big Data Job For Dummies is the ultimate guideto landing a position in one of the fastest-growing fields in themodern economy. Learn exactly what "big data" means, why it's so
Virtual reality has long been the domain of researchers and developers with access to specialized hardware and proprietary tools. With the appearance of the Oculus Rift VR headset, the game has changed. Using standard programming tools and the intui
This is a book about doing data science with Python, which immediately begs the question: what is data science? It’s a surprisingly hard definition to nail down, especially given how ubiquitous the term has become. Vocal critics have variously dismi
This book is intended to be used as a text for either undergraduate level (junior/senior) courses in probability or introductory graduate level courses in random processes that are commonly found in Electrical Engineering curricula. While the subjec
本资料来自udacity,关于数据科学入门的职业指南。 1. Introduction 2. Career Options: Analysts, Scientists, and Engineers 3. In-Demand Skills: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century 4. Salaries: What do Data Analysts make, and where do they make it? 5. Roles and Skills: What
It’s tough to nail down a precise definition of “Bad Data.” Some people consider it a purely hands-on, technical phenomenon: missing values, malformed records, and cranky file formats. Sure, that’s part of the picture, but Bad Data is so much more.
Contents Acknowledgments x Author Biography xi Chapter 1: Defining the Obvious 3 What Is ‘the Obvious’? 6 Qualities of a great application 8 How Do You Design the Obvious? 10 Turn qualities into goals 10 The Framework for Obvious Design 12 Know what
• Failures initiated by mechanical insult to cell 1 which is connected to cell 2 through constantan bridge wire • Development of a testing fixture to increase reproducibility • Additional effort to maintain electrical connection with cell 1 after ru