Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. You may only use this code if you agree to the terms ofthe Windows Research Kernel Source Code License agreement(see License.txt). If you do not agree to the terms, do not use the code.***WRK
packet include some of samples on how to create the makefile in VC. if you have to build one project use NMake.exe, can refer to these samples.如果你不得不用Nmake.exe创建项目,可以参考一下,如何写makefile文件 The nmake that comes with Visual C++ will suffice for building. You will need to run the VCVARS32.BAT file, usually found somewhere like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual S
Open Watcom manual 官方PDF文档,已经添加目录标签,包含内容: cguide.pdf Open Watcom C/C++ User’s Guide cguideq.pdf Open Watcom C/C++ Compiler and Tools User’s Guide for QNX 3rd Edition clib.pdf Watcom C Library Reference Volume 1 clr.pdf Open Watcom C Lan guag