The nRF Toolbox is a container app that stores your Nordic Semiconductor apps for Bluetooth low energy in one location. It contains applications demonstrating BLE profiles: Cycling Speed and Cadence, Running Speed and Cadence, Heart Rate Monitor, Bl
In addition to hardware, the nRF52 Preview Development Kit consists of firmware source code, documentation, hardware schematics, and layout files. The key features of the development kit are: • nRF52832 flash-based ANT/ANT+, Bluetooth® low energy So
nRF Connect (previosly named nRF Master Control Panel) Application The nRF Connect is an application designed for Bluetooth Low Energy developers. It allows for scanning for BLE devices and communicating with them. The nRF Connect for Android applic
Version V6.70 (2020-03-27)
Added debug support for Eta Compute ECM3532 series devices.
Added flash programming support for Eta Compute ECM3532 series devices.
Apollo3 (plus): Added native SWO support.
Added command string "RISCV
Nordic BLE 开发资料,介绍App Timer的应用步骤方法,架构等等!对于蓝牙开发非常有帮助!26/04/2016
Tutorials- Nordic Developer Zone
Now go to Project-> Options for target .->C/C++. From there, add the following directories to the
Include paths
A.\\\\components\ drivers nrf\clock
HOLTEK导体继有线USB Skype Phone高整合芯片HT82A832R后,又新推出无线USB Skype Phone的方案,HT82A850R Wireless baseband OTP MCU with CODEC与HT82A851R Wireless baseband OTP MCU with USB I/F,并与来自挪威的RFIC大厂, Nordic Semiconductor ( 策略合作,共同推广2.4GHz ISM Ba