CentOS 5默认是不支持NTFS,网上找了些,看ntfs-3g支持读和写,装来试下效果确实不错,在支持ntfs的时候安装centos的时候要把开发工具包都安装好,如gcc+等! 1:先安装fuse ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install 2:安装ntfs-3g ./configure make make install 3:fdisk –l 4:挂载 mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ 5:启动系统时自动挂载 修
The NTFS-3G driver is an open source, freely available read/write NTFS driver for Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, NetBSD, and Haiku. It provides safe and fast handling of the Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 and Windows Vista file systems. Mo