Objective-C Pocket Reference provides a quick and concise introduction to Objective-C for programmers already familiar with either C or C++, and will continue to serve as a handy reference even after the language is mastered. In addition to covering
An object-oriented approach to application development makes programs more intuitive to design, faster to develop, more amenable to modification, and easier to understand. Most object-oriented development environments consist of at least three parts
随着ArcGIS 10.1发布时间的临近,ArcGIS各产品线的统一命名也被公布,我们熟悉的ArcGIS for iOS被归类到Runtime,称为“ArcGIS Runtime for iOS”。这体现出了Esri对移动平台的重视、已经把对Mobile的支持(iOS、Android、WindowsPhone等)和传统的桌面(Windows、Linux)放在一个级别上了,而原来的ArcGIS API for iOS也更名为“ArcGIS Runtime SDKfor iOS”,可能SDK更符合