1. 分析ECB模式和CBC模式的加密过程。2. 用程序设计语言将算法过程编程实现。3. 输入明文:I do like this book 加密算法E:异或⊕,密钥为cryption;移位,密钥为5 两种填充模式:(1)0 (2)密文挪用 初始化向量IV:goodluck用两种模式进行加密,输出相应的密文。
This recommendation defines five confidentiality modes of operation for use with an underlying symmetric key block cipher algorithm: Electronic Codebook (ECB), Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), Cipher Feedback (CFB), Output Feedback (OFB), and Counter (C
NIST标准,AES加密模式介绍包括(ECB,CBC,CFB,OFB,CTR)。This recommendation defines five confidentiality modes of operation for use with an underlying symmetric key block cipher algorithm: Electronic Codebook (ECB), Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), Cipher Feedback (CFB
1、完整的SM4算法,包括ECB、CBC、CTR、CFB、OFB,C语言实现; 2、内含测试程序,在Linux环境下进入目录后make即可编译,已经在ubuntu16.04环境下编译测试OK; 3、参考GMSSL源码移植而成,做了部分修改; 4、已经在金融POS领域的实战项目中得到应用; 5、SM4 (GM/T 0002-2012): block cipher with 128-bit key length and 128-bit block size, also named SMS4.