Author:abhinaba(Web Developer United States) Introduction:This class is derived from the MFC CButton. It supports the following features: 1. Showing of On/Off LEDs to indicate state of the check box 2. Showing an icon to indicate state of the check
灰色按钮克星 Overview: Windows Enabler is a program that runs on Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/NT4.0/2000. It allows the user to enable disabled windows and controls such as buttons and tick boxes and choose menu options that would normally be disabled. This
Using CVtxButton Implementing the CVtxButton class is surprisingly easy: Include Vtx.h, Vtx.ccp, VtxButton.h, and VtxButton.cpp in your project. Drop a button on your dialog in Developer Studio. Add #include "VtxButton.h" immediately before #include