TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface xiii I. Introduction 1 1. Preparing for the Worst 3 My Dad Was Right 3 Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan 4 Step 1: Define (Un)acceptable Loss 5 Step 2: Back Up Everything 7 Step 3: Organize Everything 10 Step 4: Protect A
本书由专业Informix用户、数据库管理员、Informix管理员和应用程序开发员编写而成,把各大Informix产品的方方面面综合、深入地集中在一起,包括最新Informix产品的详细信息,如Informix Internet Foundation.2000以及i.Reach、i.Sell和IDS.2000。本书作者在Web站点www.informixhandbook.com中根据产品的演变更新内容。 这个站点是由Informix数据库驱动的.提供了Informix的丰富信息,包括章
This book is divided into six parts: Part I, Introduction This part of this book contains just enough information to whet your backup and recovery appetite. Chapter 1, Preparing for the Worst, contains the six steps that you must go through to creat