Fragment Test Rule Test Fragments in isolation. Download androidTestImplementation com.21buttons:fragment-test-rule:2.0.1 debugImplementation com.21buttons:fragment-test-rule-extras:2.0.1 Note: If you dont support AndroidX yet use the version 1
kappuccino A framework to simplify the way you do instrumentation tests in your app, using Espresso and Kotlin. Here is how you do instrumentation tests today, using simply Espresso: Test fun loginFieldsAreVisible() { onView(withId(
来源: github/XSInfoView Licence: MIT 作者: Season薛纪杰
高度自定义的 toast 消息框。 使用简单,轻量。 How To Use Easy to show infomation without image. [XSInfoView showInfo:"Hello World" onView:self.view]; If
<% Class TopicModel Public OnView Public Function Load(id) IF Not(IsEvent(OnView)) Then OnView(1) End IF End Function Function IsEvent(evnet) IsEvent = IsEmpty(evnet) End Function End Class Sub UpdateViewCounter(value) Response.Writ