We firstly present a variational approach such that during image restoration, edges detected in the original image are being preserved, and then we compare in a second part, the mathematical foundation of this method with respect to some of the well
I get asked this question sometimes from seasoned programmers who are new to C++. There are plenty of good books written on the subject, but I found no clear and concise set of rules on the Internet for those who don't want to understand every nuanc
Some induced geometric aggregation operators with intuitionistic fuzzy information and their application to group decision making,卫贵武,,With respect to multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) problems in which both the attribute weights and t
Some Geometric Aggregation Operators with Triangular Fuzzy linguistic information and Their Application to Group Decision Making,卫贵武,,With respect to multiple attribute group decision making problem with triangular fuzzy linguistic information, in wh