Thesis 1.7 – Wordpress Introducing the Thesis Theme for WordPress Thesis is a search engine optimized HTML + CSS + PHP framework equipped with an innovative options panel that makes it easy for anyone to run a professional, customized blog
NetMassDownloader.zipOwsadm.exe, which is a command-line-only version of the server administrator ... To view the command-line options for Owsadm.exe, follow these steps:
The PB UI Designer is a tool that will help you visually setup any PowerToTheBuilder control. To get the controls to look and function the way you want requires several function calls. Most times you would call the function then run your application 别人写的 Preface Years after the previous version, I can tell that the article has survived its author, and even if my opinion on the limits of this library has not changed, an update was really necessary. Thank you very much to all
这个插件可以创建非常真实的阴影效果。非常适合做 demo 或者首页。
$(selector).realshadow(); // options are optional
followMouse: false, // true by default
pageX: x, // x coordinate of the light source
pageY: y
netspeed-cli 可以在linux下查看各网卡的当前传输速度。
Usage: [options] 网卡名 ...Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -B 显示单位为B -K
FDUPES 是一个文件去重工具,可在指定的文件夹中标识出重复的文件。
Usage: fdupes [options] DIRECTORY...
-r --recurse for every directory given follow subdirectories
encountered within
-R --recurse: for each directory given after this option