@Please Note: OSW has been renamed to OSWbb (OSWatcher Black Box) to prevent @confusion as there are several tools now within Oracle that share this same name. OSWbb now provides an analysis tool OSWbba which analyzes the log files produced by OSWbb
Mac OS X is an impressive technical achievement; many experts call it the best personal-computer operating system on earth. But beware its name. The X is meant to be a Roman numeral, pronounced “10.” Don’t say “oh ess ex.” You’ll get funny looks in
我们经常会与文件和目录打交道,对于这些操作python提供了一个os模块,里面包含了很多操作文件和目录的函数。在写一些系统脚本或者自动化运维脚本的时候经常会用到这个 os 库,所以这里做个整理,方便需要的时候或者需要的朋友查找学习,下面话不多说,来一起看看详细的介绍吧。
获得当前操作系统使用的目录分隔符,比如 Windows 就会得到\而 Linux/Unix 就会得到/
获得当前使用的操作系统,Windows 是 NT 内核,所以会得到nt,而 Lin
import os
for a,b,c in os.walk(top='dir'):
n = len(c)
if n >= 10:
for i in range(n):
#根据命名规则进行匹配分割,eg: 4399_0_1234_60.jpg
name = c[i].spli