MTK 平台 CAMERA 驱动浅析 Camera Driver analysis in the platform of MTK 物通过镜头(LENS)生成的光学图像投射到图像传感器(Sensor)表面上,然后转为模 拟的电信号,经过 A/D(模数转换)转换后变为数字图像信号,再送到数字信号处理芯片 (DSP)中加工处理,再通过 IO 接口传输到 CPU 中处理,通过 LCD 就可以看到图像了。
The OV13850 color image sensor is a low voltage, high performance 1/3.06-inch 13.2 megapixel CMOS image
sensor that provides the functionality of a single 13.2 megapixel (4224×3136 ) camera using OmniBSI+ ?
technology. It provides full-frame, sub-sam