OWASP 2010 TOP10列表 OWASP plans to release the final public release of the OWASP Top 10 -2010during the first quarter of 2010 after a final, one-month public comment period ending December 31, 2009. This release of the OWASPTop 10 marks this project’
OWASP 测试项目已经发展了许多年。通过这个项目,我们希望帮助人们了解自己的 Web 应用程序,为什幺、什幺 时间、什幺地方、什幺方法来对 WEB 应用程序进行测试,而不是仅仅提供一个简单的漏洞检查列表或者问题的简 单药方。该项目的输出是一个完整的测试框架,人们可以根据需要建立自己的或符合其它进程的测试程序。测试指 南详细的介绍了一般测试框架以及实践中该框架的实施技术。
Many organizations have realized that their code is not as secure as they may have thought. Now they're starting the difficult work of verifying the security of their applications. There are four basic techniques for analyzing the security of a soft