写论文的难得资料 SIP Modules for ns2 These modules simulate bidirectional dialogue between two SIP agents (for example, 2 MGC's) that send INVITE requests (packet dimension in bytes is user definable); Developed traffic is exponential-like (ON-OFF sources).
RTL8019AS原厂开发资料 This package included three directories. One is for hardware, one is for software and one is for utility. I gather them from Internet or our server. Hardware: 1. I put on both of formats on this directory. One is OrCad 7.3x format a
linux平台下的FTP测试工具,可以模拟多用户访问下FTP服务器的承载能力,在这方面找到的唯一一个软件^_^ 1、是使用gcc进行编译 2、解压缩 3、./configure 4、make 5、./dkftpbench -n1 -hftp.uu.net -t15 -v Option values: -hftp.uu.net host name of ftp server -P21 port number of ftp server -n1 number of users -t15 lengt
Si4430/31/32 ISM TRANSCEIVER Frequency Range 240–930 MHz (Si4431/32) 900–960 MHz (Si4430) Sensitivity = –121 dBm Output power range +20 dBm Max (Si4432) +13 dBm Max (Si4430/31) Low Power Consumption 18.5 mA receive 30 mA @ +13 dBm tr
ns网络模拟和协议仿真数据代码.以下为代码之一: #无线节点参数 set val(chan) Channel/WirelessChannel ;# channel type 信道类型:无线信道 set val(prop) Propagation/TwoRayGround ;# radio-propagation model 信道模型:TwoRayGround set val(netif) Phy/WirelessPhy ;# network interface type 无线物理层 set v
计算机网络期末复习资料 1. Introduction •Network hardware 组成: 1.Broadcast links (一台发送,其他的都知道了) A single communication channel that is shared by all the machines on the network Sending a packet implies that all others receive it. 2.Point-to-point links (点对点)