Requirement: This exercise is writing a program in Java using JCE which implements message authentication protocol shown as a variant b 9 of lecture notes on Message Authentication and Hash Functions. You need to implement a program which models act
可以运行粒子群代码 %------进入主要循环,按照公式依次迭代,直到满足精度要求------------ for t=1:MaxDT for i=1:N v(i,:)=w*v(i,:)+c1*rand*(y(i,:)-x(i,:))+c2*rand*(pg-x(i,:)); x(i,:)=x(i,:)+v(i,:); if fitness(x(i,:),D)<p(i) %若适应度更优 p(i)=fitness(x(i,:),D); %更新最新适应度值 y(i,:)=x(i,:); %y