Enterprise Rails is indispensable for anyone planning to build enterprise web services. It's one thing to get your service off the ground with a framework like Rails, but quite another to construct a system that will hold up at enterprise scale. The
The practice of building software is a "new kid on the block" technology. Though it may not seem this way for those who have been in the field for most of their careers, in the overall scheme of professions, software builders are relative "newbies."
《Struts 2.0.0 - Struts URL及A标签远程命令执行漏洞探测 V1.1》 使用说明: 运行EXE程序,输入扫描站点的任意一个URL入口链接地址, 若提示扫描是否包含顶级域名下的所有页面,根据提示输入即可。 结果保存在程序同目录下“result_域名.txt”文件中。 Notice: This is a tool used to scan last two days out of the new Apache struts2 Vuln erability M
This report is written from the perspective of an informed observer at the Eighteenth Annual Aspen Institute Roundtable on Information Technology. Unless attributed to a particular person, none of the comments or ideas contained in this report shoul
《High Speed SerDes Devices and Applications [ISBN_ 978-0387798332]》David Robert Stauffer.pdf
《高速SerDes器件和应用》 [ISBN_ 978-0387798332]David Robert Stauffer 英文版Davide. stauffer
Jeanne T mechler
IBM Corporation
IBM Corporation
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