A good website follows conventions to keep users happy and responsive. I can only assume that a good web design book should do the same. So here are some people “without whom this would not have been possible.” Or something like that... To my mother
DOS命令大全,详细的 DOS命令。 net use h: \\ip\c$ 登陆后映射对方C:到本地为H: net use \\ip\ipc$ /del 删除IPC链接 net use h: /del 删除映射对方到本地的为H:的映射 net user 用户名 密码 /add 建立用户 net user guest /active:yes 激活guest用户 net user 查看有哪些用户 taskmgr 调出任务管理器 chkdsk /F D: 检查磁盘D并显示状态报告;加参数/f并修复磁