最新的仙镜传说服务器C语言源码,这是日本最新在布的,数据库类型为文件型数据库。 这个源码相当的完整,只要编译一次后就可以运行了,但得用到客户端的两个文件一个是data.grf另一个是sdata.grf,大家都可以试试! 编译成功的环境:Redhat 9.0 成功使用环境:win2k 0936 by Pepermint Retouch about problem of increase in quantity at the CART, when enter the an minus quanti
#include #include #include const int MAXSIZE=1000;//定义最大页面数 const int MAXQUEUE=3;//定义页框数 typedef struct node { int loaded; int hit; }page; page pages[MAXQUEUE]; //定义页框表 int queue[MAXSIZE]; int quantity; //初始 化结构函数 void initial() { int i; for(i=0;i&l
structure : In the class folder :cart.php which contain what elements should the cart have. procuct.php which contain what the elements the product have eg: name,id,weight.etc In the config folder: the products.php which contain t he products that w
Quantity One is a powerful, fl exible software package fo r imaging and analyzing 1-D electrophoresis gels, dot blots, arrays, and colonies. The software is supported on Windows and Macintosh operating systems and has a graphical interface with stan