1. Physics in Flat Spacetime: Geometric Viewpoint 1.1 Overview 1.2 Foundational Concepts 1.3 Tensor Algebra Without a Coordinate System 1.4 Particle Kinetics and Lorentz Force Without a Reference Frame 1.5 Component Representation of Tensor Algebra
Abstract. We give the background and required tools for applying quasi-Monte Carlo methods eciently to problems in computational - nance, and survey recent developments in this eld.We describe methods for pricing european path-dependent options, an
Monte Carlo simulation has become one of the most important tools in all fields of science. Simulation methodology relies on a good source of numbers that appear to be random. These "pseudorandom" numbers must pass statistical tests just as random s
Physically Based Rendering from Theory to Implementation 一共3部分~~~~~~~~~, 源码下载to h t t p ://www.p b r t . o r g /downloads.php /////////////////////////////////// CHAPTER 01. INTRODUCTION Literate Programming Indexing and Cross-Referencing Photoreali
这本书在国内已经绝版。目录如下 Introduction Dorit S. Hochbaum 0.1 What can approximation algorithms do for you: an illustrative example 0.2 Fundamentals and concepts 0.3 Objectives and organization of this book 0.4 Acknowledgments I Approximation Algorithms for Sc
This book targets development of efficient parallel computational methods for different scientific and technical applications. Readers who wish to design and implement efficient solutions on parallel and distributed computer systems are given insigh
1)Monte Carlo Methods.pdf 2)Monte Carlo Simulation.pdf 3)Monte Carlo Integration.pdf 4)Monte Carlo in Rendering (A Practical Example).pdf 5)Generating Random Numbers.pdf 6)Variance Reduction Methods a Quick Introduction to Importance Sampling.pdf 7)
Monte Carlo simulation study of quasi-elastic electron scattering from an overlayer/substrate system,李永钢,张增明,
Recent experimental results have shown that the recoil energies of electrons elastically scattered by light and heavy atoms can be resolved