影像存档及通讯系统(Picture Archiving and Communication System,PACS)和放射学信息系统(Radiology Information System RIS)RIS是构成放射科信息化环境的两个基本的信息系统组成。PACS主要着眼于医学影像的工作流、数据流以及应用过程的管理;RIS则是对放射科基本工作流程执行计算机化管理的信息学系统。放射科的整体工作流,简言之,也就是医学影像检查执行环节和管理过程,包括了医学影像学检查和常规操作流程和影像的产生和操作流程
DICOM 是Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine 的缩写,其字面含义很清楚,包括了医学的 数字成像和通信两个方面。DICOM 标准是由美国放射学院(Ameri-can College of Radiology,ACR)和国 家电气制造商协会(National Electrical Manufacturers Association,NEMA)共同制定的。
A Beginner's Guide to the Mathematics of Medical Imaging presents the basic mathematics of computerized tomography – the CT scan – for an audience of undergraduates in mathematics and engineering. Assuming no prior background in advanced mathematica
DICOM是Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine的缩写,其字面含义很清楚,包括了医学的数字成像和通信两个方面。DICOM标准是由美国放射学院(Ameri-can College of Radiology,ACR)和国家电气制造商协会(National Electrical Manufacturers Association,NEMA)共同制定的。
DICOM 是 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine的英文缩写,即医学数字成像和通信标准。 他是ACR (American College of Radiology , 美国放射学会) 和 NEMA (National Electrical Manufactorers Association , 美国国家电子制造商协会) 为主制定的用于数字化医学影像传送、显示与存储的标准。 在DICOM标准中详细定义了影像及其相关信息的组成格式和交换方法
磁共振在女性各系统中的应用 Women’s Imaging MRI with Multimodality Correlation Edited by Michele A. Brown, MD Professor of Clinical Radiology UC San Diego Health System San Diego, CA, USA Haydee Ojeda-Fournier, MD Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology Medical
This introduction to biostatistics and measurement is the first in a series of articles
designed to provide Radiology readers with a basic understanding of statistical
concepts. Although most readers of the radiology literature know that applicatio
In this article, a summary of the basic rules of probability using examples of their
application in radiology is presented. Those rules describe how probabilities may be
combined to obtain the chance of “success” with either of two diagnostic or
The dataset is provided by the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine(SIIM), American College of Radiology (ACR),Society of Thoracic Radiology (STR) and MD.ai.