出于本人在自己主页上聚合自己在别的网站所建博客等内容的需要,研究搜索了一通,现将几种方法整理一下奉献出来,实例打压缩包呵... 调用XML, 调用RSS , XML TO HTML,RSS TO HTML,FEED TO HTML,XML网页显示,XSL... By 清宇 http://xyz9981.com(被墙了) httP://xyz9981.info
最近项目需要,所以做了一个 调用方法: RssModel rm = new RssModel(); rm.Addr = "server=.;database=BusiData;uid=sa;pwd=123456"; 或 rm.AppSettingsName 获取AppSettings的链接字符串 rm.Sql = "SELECT NewsTitle AS Title,NewsContent AS Descr ipt,NewsID AS ID,ReleaseTime AS Time FROM D
jFeed 是一个通用的 RSS/ATOM 解析器jQuery插件 jFeed 支持 RSS 0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0 和 Atom 1.0 等格式。 使用方法: jQuery.getFeed(options); 参数: * url: the feed URL (required). * data: data to be sent to the server. See jQuery.ajax data property. * success: a function to be
jFeed 是一个通用的 RSS/ATOM 解析器jQuery插件 jFeed 支持 RSS 0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0 和 Atom 1.0 等格式。 使用方法: jQuery.getFeed(options); 参数: * url: the feed URL (required). * data: data to be sent to the server. See jQuery.ajax data property. * success: a function to be
Java处理XML的经典教程.涉及的主题包括: The basics of XML, including DTDs, namespaces, XML Schema, XPath, and Transformations The SAX API, including all handlers, filters, and writers The DOM API, including DOM Level 2, Level 3, and the DOM HTML module The JDOM API