Oracle中执行动态SQL的几种方法 在一般的sql操作中,sql语句基本上都是固定的,如: SELECT t.empno,t.ename FROM scott.emp t WHERE t.deptno = 20; 但有的时候,从应用的需要或程序的编写出发,都可能需要用到动态SQl,如: 当 from 后的表 不确定时,或者where 后的条件不确定时,都需要用到动态SQL。
Jason Price is a freelance consultant and former product manager of Oracle Corporation. He has contributed to many of Oracle’s products, including the database, the application server, and several of the CRM applications. Jason is an Oracle Certifie
全面介绍了SQL 2008的功能。 This book, as many of my books are, is dedicated to my family. First, to my mum and dad whom I love very much and who made me what I am today. Without their help, understanding, and patience when it came to my use of the television