All the time I hear people talking about software projects as journeys, and I think they are implying that software projects are not just journeys, but they are journeys into the unknown. We start with funding from a sponsor, muster together a stout
All the time I hear people talking about software projects as journeys, and I think they are implying that software projects are not just journeys, but they are journeys into the unknown. We start with funding from a sponsor, muster together a stout
我们在考虑字符串压缩场景的无尺度超重力的情况下重新考虑最小SU(5)统一理论(GUT),假设软超对称破坏参数在GUT尺度MGUT以上的某些输入尺度Min上满足通用条件。 在建立这种无尺度的超级GUT模型时,必须特别注意避免质子快速衰变的Scylla和冷暗物质的密度过大的Charybdis,同时对于希格斯玻色子也应具有可接受的质量。 如果没有问题和希格斯场都没有分配给扭曲的手性超多重谱,即使存在Giudice–Masiero术语,我们也找不到一致的解决方案。 但是,如果将至少五分之一的GUT Hi
ScyllaDB Rust驱动程序
这是的客户端驱动程序,使用使用完全异步的API用纯Rust编写。 虽然ScyllaDB优化,司机还兼容 。
let uri = "" ;
let session: Session = SessionBuilder :: new (). known_node (uri). build (). await ?;
if let Some (rows) = session.