Summary: xml4wrapper 3.6.2, 支持libxml2-2.7.8 或 xercesc2.8或tinyxml2或rapidxml封装的xml配置文件解析和操作统一C++接口, 支持XPATH的方式访问和操作XML节点信息. 操作非常相当之方便, 相应库的更高版本也行。 Based On: xercesc2.8 or later libxml2 tinyxml2(new add at this version) rapidxml(new add at this version
kafkatool mac 版,linux版本
Kafka Tool 2.0.7
To download the Kafka UI Tool for your operating system, use the links below. All versions of Kafka Tool come with a bundled JRE with the exception of the Linux version. For Linux, you must have Java 8 instal