Part I Metric Searching in a Nutshell Overview 3 1. FOUNDATIONS OF METRIC SPACE SEARCHING 5 1 The Distance Searching Problem 6 2 The Metric Space 8 3 Distance Measures 9 3.1 Minkowski Distances 10 3.2 Quadratic Form Distance 11 3.3 Edit Distance 12
The proliferation of information housed in computerized domains makes it vital to find tools to search these resources efficiently and effectively. Ordinary retrieval techniques are inadequate because sorting is simply impossible. Consequently, prox
sigmod2013;ABSTRACT Given a tree Q and a large set of trees T = fT1; : : : ; Tng, the subtree similarity-search problem is that of nding the subtrees of trees among T that are most similar to Q, using the tree edit distance metric. Determining simil
Data-driven visual similarity for cross-domain image matching ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 TOG Homepage Volume 30 Issue 6, December 2011
title={Quantifying Similarity between Relations with Fact Distribution},
author={Chen, Weize and Zhu, Hao and Han, Xu and Liu, Zhiyuan and Sun, Maosong},
We propose a color ghost imaging approach where the object is illuminated by three-color non-orthogonal random patterns. The object’s reflection/transmission information is received by only one single-pixel detector, and both the sparsity constraint