JustDecompile is a new, free developer productivity tool designed to enable easy .NET assembly browsing and decompiling. Currently available as a BETA, JustDecompile builds on years of experience in code analysis and development productivity origina
FASMARM v1.42 This package is an ARM assembler add-on for FASM. FASMARM currently supports the full range of instructions for 32-bit and 64-bit ARM processors and coprocessors up to and including v8. Contents: 1. ARM assembly compatibility 2. UAL an
Theory and Techniques of Compiler Construction 介绍编译器相关理论和技术 Contents Preface 1. Introduction 2. Language and Syntax 2.1. Exercises 3. Regular Languages 4. Analysis of Context-free Languages 4.1. The method of recursive descent 4.2. Table-driven top-
具体描述Glow编译器的基础知识,glow是通过减少计算图的计算量来优化的have implemented a high-level intermediate represen
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tation that allows a compiler to reason about and
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optimize high-level constructs such as tensors and
This project is a golang based compiler and interpreter for a simple virtual
machine. It is a port of the existing project:
The original project has a perl based compiler/decompiler.
The original interpreter was written in C.
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