This document describes the GAMS interface to OSL. OSL is the IBM Optimization Subroutine Library, containing high performance solvers for LP (linear programming), MIP (mixed integer programming) and QP (quadratic programming) problems. GAMS does no
matlab\general - General purpose commands. matlab\ops - Operators and special characters. matlab\lang - Programming language constructs. matlab\elmat - Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation. matlab\elfun - Elementary math functions. matlab\spe
美国斯坦福大学研究生教程-CUDA高性能计算 Introduction to Massively Parallel Computing GPU History and CUDA Programming Basics CUDA Treads and Atomics CUDA Memories Performance Considerations Parallel Patterns I Parallel Patterns II Introduction to Thrust Sparse Matri
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is concerned with the efficient numerical solution of the partial differential equations that describe fluid dynamics. CFD techniques are commonly used in the many areas of engineering where fluid behavior is an im